NeuroAI for AI Safety

Patrick Mineault

Niccolò Zanichelli*

Joanne Zichen Peng*

Anton Arkhipov

Eli Bingham

Julian Jara-Ettinger

Emily Mackevicius

Adam Marblestone

Marcelo Mattar

Andrew Payne

Sophia Sanborn

Karen Schroeder

Zenna Tavares

Andreas Tolias

Read more about the authors here.


As AI systems become increasingly powerful, the need for safe AI has become more pressing. Humans are an attractive model for AI safety: as the only known agents capable of general intelligence, they perform robustly even under conditions that deviate significantly from prior experiences, explore the world safely, understand pragmatics, and can cooperate to meet their intrinsic goals. Intelligence, when coupled with cooperation and safety mechanisms, can drive sustained progress and well-being. These properties are a function of the architecture of the brain and the learning algorithms it implements. Neuroscience may thus hold important keys to technical AI safety that are currently underexplored and underutilized. In this roadmap, we highlight and critically evaluate several paths toward AI safety inspired by neuroscience: emulating the brain’s representations, information processing, and architecture; building robust sensory and motor systems from imitating brain data and bodies; fine-tuning AI systems on brain data; advancing interpretability using neuroscience methods; and scaling up cognitively-inspired architectures. We make several concrete recommendations for how neuroscience can positively impact AI safety.

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Log-sigmoid scaling laws

We were surprised to find log-sigmoid scaling curves for digital in both empirical data and simulations; to the best of our knowledge, this has not been reported in the literature. We thus searched for a regime where a log-sigmoid scaling law follows naturally from asymptotics.

Consider a linear regression model–similar to the LNP model considered in the main text (Section 10.1), but more analytically tractable: \[y = X w + \epsilon\] where:

  • \(X \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times M}\) with entries \(X_{ij} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)\).

  • \(w \sim \mathcal{N}\left(0, \frac{1}{M} I_M\right)\).

  • \(\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma_N^2 I_N\right)\).

  • The validation data \(X_{\text{val}} \in \mathbb{R}^{N_{\text{val}} \times M}\) with entries \(X_{\text{val}, ij} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)\).

Note that with this definition, \(\text{var}(y) = 1 + \sigma_N^2\). We use a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate of \(w\) with a prior matching its sampling distribution: \[w_{\text{MAP}} = \left( X^\top X + M \sigma_N^2 I_M \right)^{-1} X^\top y\]

The Fraction of Explained Variance Estimator (FEVE) on the validation set is defined as: \[\text{FEVE} = 1 - \frac{\mathbb{E}\left[ \left( y_{\text{val}} - X_{\text{val}} w_{\text{MAP}} \right)^2 \right] - \sigma_N^2}{\mathbb{E}\left[ y_{\text{val}}^2 \right] - \sigma_N^2}\] where \(y_{\text{val}} = X_{\text{val}} w + \epsilon_{\text{val}}\).

Equivalently, the FEVE is the \(R^2\) on the validation set if there’s no noise in the validation set.

The denominator of FEVE is: \[\mathbb{E}\left[ y_{\text{val}}^2 \right] - \sigma_N^2 = 1\]

Similarly, the numerator is:

\[\mathbb{E}\left[ \left( X_{\text{val}} \left( w - w_{\text{MAP}} \right) \right)^2 \right]\]

Approximating \(X_{\text{val}}^\top X_{\text{val}} \approx N_{\text{val}} I_M\) (since entries are i.i.d. standard normal), the design matrix falls out, and we find that the numerator is:

\[\approx \mathbb{E}\left[ \left\| w - w_{\text{MAP}} \right\|^2 \right]\]

The posterior covariance matrix is: \[\Sigma_{\text{post}} = \left( X^\top X + M \sigma_N^2 I_M \right)^{-1} M \sigma_N^2 I_M\] Again using the expected value of the covariance matrix, we find that: \[\Sigma_{\text{post}} \approx \left( N I_M + M \sigma_N^2 I_M \right)^{-1} M \sigma_N^2 I_M = \frac{M \sigma_N^2}{N + M \sigma_N^2} I_M\] Therefore: \[\mathbb{E}\left[ \left\| w - w_{\text{MAP}} \right\|^2 \right] = \operatorname{Tr}\left( \Sigma_{\text{post}} \right) = \frac{M^2 \sigma_N^2}{N + M \sigma_N^2}\]

Finally, the FEVE is: \[\text{FEVE} \approx \frac{ N }{ N + M \sigma_N^2 }\]

We note that this can be expressed as the log sigmoid:

\[\text{FEVE} = \sigma(\log(N) - \log(M) - \log(\sigma^2_N))\]

Thus, under the assumptions we use, the scaling law for linear regression is a log-sigmoid. We note that our expression is valid when \(M > N\) and potentially high noise, the so-called classic regime. By contrast, Canatar et al. (2023) [113] tackle a different regime where there are far more regressors than observations, \(N > M\), and no noise, the so-called modern or interpolation regime.

We believe that the scenario we consider is a better reflection of practices in digital twins, as opposed as the analysis in [113], which better reflects practices in comparing neural networks and brains with task-driven neural networks. Neural data is noisy, and in the limit of high observation noise, we don’t always get better fits in the interpolation regime. It is common for digital twins to be fit in the classic regime; for example, Lurz et al. (2021) [87] have fewer than a hundred parameters in their readout, but thousands of observations. Future work should address how these two frameworks can be merged to cover the full range of scenarios in which digital twins and task-driven neural networks are fit.

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